Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hollywood Life Coach & Spiritual Trainer that Makes You Do Push-Ups

In this day & age of constant self improvement, I give you a soul known as the Tiff. Over the past month, she has transformed my spirit into something that doesn't react anymore and simply breathes through everything that life gives me. And then she forces me to do crunches and watch my posture and opening my heart and chest.

I think that's the most difficult task out here in the land of tinsel. Opening the heart. In a town of disgruntled transplants, terrible drivers and a sea of unnoticed talent, life seems to weigh us down. Simple problems become tragedies and we never stop moving at the speed of life.

From afar, this place seems vast, cluttered yet an empty vaccuum at the same time. It's mind boggling how many talented individuals have had their souls suctioned from their vessels as they spiral into an oblivion and only a few are able to crawl out.

Life Happens.

Clearly. Every single day. It happens to the best of us. Good, bad or indifferent, life happens and it won't stop happening. When I used to lecture creative writing, I began each term with one rule; that my students leave their life and inhibitions at the door because whatever they bring in the room will hold them back.

And yet, I dragged my own into the room and never let go. It's a blessing that I am no longer lecturing. The old adage is true that those who can't do, teach. Hate to say it. I'll leave that for my retirement.

I've watched The Secret a couple times now. Yes, I'm admitting to that. Does it help? Hmmmm...tough one. I think it complements my self-awareness and my posture in life.


I've gotta thank Tiff for getting that word lodged between my ears. I can't seem to shake it today. Posture is my new word for status. How's your posture?

Well, I've got a fantastic literary agent that gives positive rubs all the time by saying, "Go get 'em, kiddo." And doesn't line up shit for me. Lazy asses out here. Unless you hit the pavement running, nothing's going to simply come to you. To be an agent is to lunch extremely well and stroke the ego of who's hot. Yet things rarely get done in the proper scheme. Reflecting back to what Wendy Finerman went through with Forrest Gump, it took the woman 10 years to get the film made. Wow.

Dog Years. Maybe that's how we need to start aging ourselves out here. David E. Kelley and Jonathan Hensleigh actually had their offices facing each other at their respective law firm in NY before uprooting to Los Angeles. Now look where they are.

This blog has been interrupted too many times today, hence its disjointedness. Wrapping it up, I am confident that my new life coach will be able to connect the narrative thread of my life from now on.


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