Monday, July 30, 2007

Man makes Chicken with pears. Christopher Walken is the man.

After a blogging absence and a trip to the Diego for Comic-Con 2007, I am back. I think the highlight was running around the madhatter named Ipson with his camera and wanton desire of capturing the finest of women as he's become interested in photography. Some good stuff, but alas, Ipson has a great eye as a director.

Staggering through the blogosphere today, I came upon the most wayward of videos The Walken Cooks a Fuckin' Chicken I highly suggest designating 3 minutes and 10 seconds to this obscure little video. The man surely knows what the hell he's doing to that damned bird. And salt. Lots of salt.

After being engrossed with the Man and his dinner, I began to think where my passion lies. Passion in life. What drives us each and everyday? This past sunday marks the 3 year anniversary death of a little kid named Thomas that was like my brother. Wondering why I was so dead on my ass that day, I spied a Spider Man 2 ticket laying on my desk. That was the last film we saw together before he left for Colorado and our plane of existence. Resorting to awkward texts back and forth with his mom, I simply lost desire to speak with anyone and retreated to the W Hotel for their Sunday night film screening by the pool. I didn't even watch that but spoke with my Slovakian actress and discussed the meaning of life and the trials we face.

At the end of the night, our consensus met each other...and all we could ask is Are we doing all that we can?

The mind wanders---

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