Wednesday, July 25, 2007

2007: A Sunshine Odyssey

On a whim I went to see Danny Boyle's sci-fi epic, Sunshine, last evening. Quite the beautiful film that seems to crumble a bit in the last act. But it does post some intriguing questions of life itself.

Partnering up once again with Alex Garland (The Beach, 28 Days Later), Boyle constructs one helluva film. An eclectic cast with the always mesmerizing Rose Byrne coupled with Cillian Murphy, the film is about a mission team sent to re-ignite the sun, our life source, because it's dying. Cliche mayhem ensues with an obscure turn in the final act but otherwise the film's worth a look.

Driving home after the film, imagery of past experiences plagued my mind. Good and bad. I fell asleep shortly after arriving home and within an hour, I awoke and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I ended up texting my friend-life coach-trainer at an ungodly hour with an odd rambling.


Focus in life. It's funny how we spend 9 grueling months trying to get out of the womb and another 75-100 years trying to get back in.

We're all dying. A little bit, each and every day. An odd line from the film has burned into my mind;

"Dust is 90% skin." Frightening concept if you look at it from the Occam's Razor perspective. Born into a life of debt and hardship even though we live, or most of us live, within a democratic society that says we're free. Free of what? Our personal deficits are growing exponentially and it seems the harder we work, the more green coming in, the more we become slaves to ---?

I have a practice of trying to clear the space between my ears. A daily ritual. I believe it's helping with the big picture and it's adding clarity. Intentions become true intentions and I'm beginning to see people for how they truly are. That's a horror film in itself and I'm craving a retreat into the corridors of my own soul and am prepared to sever ties with many. Life is draining itself and I seem to be drawn towards people that drain the absolute shit out of me. Guess I have a taste for the dramatics. It completes me in a morbid way.

Facing the morbidity of one's soul is a daunting task. Why do we feel obligated to belong? Are we not good enough alone? I'd say the majority wants to belong. Fit in if you will. There's really no point to that. As in SUNSHINE, it's all about the greater good. Actions cause reactions, pessimism & optimism. That's where we are. Love thyself, don't worry about anyone else and tomorrow you will be happier.

And don't forget to dust. Yesterday is in the past.

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