Monday, April 28, 2008

Bones & New Bev Midnights...a Howling good time.

I've just gotta say that I so love that theatre. It's becoming part of my weekly routine. Two, count them TWO films for a mere 7 bucks. Special midnight shows are usually a separate 7 bucks, but still...real popcorn with REAL butter (when they're not out) and cheap soda. You know you're in for a good film when 10 minutes into it, you hear the CLINK CLINK of someone's empty bottle of booze. Snickers usually follow along with a plea to not damage the new carpeting.

This past weekend was a great little film from Joe Dante -- his cult fave -- The Howling. An original print mind you. Before the film, my date of the eve, beautiful...

Wait, I should back up...I caught a viewing of Bones last Monday and was smitten by this actress. Something about her eyes and the obvious fact that the camera ADORES her in every respect. I snooped around IMDb and figured out who the blessing was and found her on Facebook. After bouncing a couple emails back & forth, we met for a midnight screening of The Howling. She'd never seen it and isn't a big fan of horror films. She managed through it with squinty & shielded eyes while holding my hand. Probably the best film experience I've had. Anywho...

Joe Dante introduced the film with Dee Wallace, Rob Botin and his editor in hand for some yucks before the carnage. Not sure if Tarantino was in attendance, we saw him briefly before as he came out for some air from the previous double feature, but all in all it was a night to remember.

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