Thank God there's a cross reference with the title of the novel. Two specs in three months that have gone wide. Not too bad for recently signing with an agency. The lovely Rachel Hurd-Wood has expressed great interest as the lead. I think she's perfect and when her new film Tomorrow, When the War Began opens up in the autumn, the 19 year old starlet will be a household name since that book series is as popular world wide as Twilight is here.
Butcher Bride is getting some of the best horror novel reviews of recent memory. One review said it was like Paranormal Activity but dipped in liquid cocaine. Love that. Especially since I'm not the biggest fan of Hollywood supernatural films, but this book, this book scared the living shit out of me. It has what every single supernatural film has lacked since Poltergeist.
Even with all this great movement on my material, there have been stumbling blocks. Such the case was with the management company that was co-guiding my career with my agency. It just wasn't a good fit, we agreed to disagree and at the end of the day, we walked off towards different sunsets. I wish them the best but understand that if those not COMPLETELY passionate about the material you produce, it's not going to work.
All that and 50 cents still buys you a newspaper.